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Advaitins, 10, 14, 23
Aerial realm, 111
Africa, 80, 137, 212
“Age of Mary,” chiliastic, 177
Al Montada, xxviii
Albrecht, Mark
—“Questioning Jonestown,” 198n[3]
Ambartsumyam, Victor, 83
Ambrose, Starets of Optina, 129
Anatolius, monk, 104
Ancient of Days, 4
Andrew of Caesarea, Archbishop, 179n[3]
“Angel of light,” 12, 18, 42, 144
devil appearing as, 165
“Angels,” 104, 106–8, 114, 144–45, 148, 184, 226
evil spirits appear as, 149
in Indonesia, 185
Anthony the Great, St., 104
Anti-Trinitarians, 3
Antichrist, 6, 109–10, 179, 181, 186, 188, 226, 235, 239
false messiah, 174, 178
“great signs and wonders” of, 175
Orthodox teaching on, 175, 186
reign of, 181n[6], 192
religion of, xxii, 114
forerunners of the, 188
spirit of, 183, 237
Apocalypse (Revelation) of St. John the Theologian, 177, 179
Apostasy, 6, 170, 184, 186, 188, 209
“Aquarian Age,” 59, 62
“Aquarian nation,” 59
Arminianism, 121
Arnold, Kenneth, 79
Arrupe, Fr., S. J. (General of the Society of Jesus), 27
Ashtavakra Samhita, 8
Assemblies of God, 119
Association of United Religions, xxvi, 1
Asia, 80, 212
Astral travelling, 64
Astrology, 64, 202–3
Atheism, 197
Athenagoras, Patriarch of Constantinople, xxiv, 171
Augustine, Blessed, 125
—Homilies on John, 125
Aurobindo, Sri, 28n[3]
Averky (Taushev), Archbishop of Syracuse
—The Apocalypse in the Teachings of Ancient Christianity, 179n[3]
—Guide to the Study of the New Testament, Part II, 179n[3]
Ayurvedic medicine, 203
Babel, Pastor, xxvi
Bailey, Alice, 223–26, 228, 229, 232n[70], 238
Baki (ritualistic magic) ceremony, 16–17
“Baptism of the Holy Spirit,” 117–18, 120, 134–36, 143, 146, 159, 162, 188, 190
can be had without Christ, 172
commonest responses to, 139, 151, 156, 163, 171–72
“ecstatic” experiences of, 156, 158
other physical reactions to, 154
Baptist church, 211, 215
Barsanuphius and John, Sts., 153, 169
writings of, 169
Basil the Great, St., 6
Berdyaev, Nicholas, xxxii–xxxiv, 130, 143, 173–74
Bhagavad Gita, 8, 21–22, 55
Bhajan, Yogi, “3HO” founder, 60–61
Bhaktivedanta, A. C., “Krishna Consciousness” movement founder, 55
Bigfoot, 109n[32]
Biofeedback, 67, 208–9
Black magic, 16, 18
Blackmore, Simon A., S. J.,
—Spiritism Facts and Frauds, 131n[8], 157, 163n[16]
Blake, Eugene Carson, Dr., xxvi
Blasphemy, 149, 167, 176, 186, 234
Blavatsky, Helen, 132, 223–26, 230
Bon religion, 203–4
Breath control, 19, 39, 43
Bredesen, Harold, 178
Brown, Dan, 234
Buddha, 65
“-nature” within one, 63
Buddhism. See Zen Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhism
Burdick, Donald W.,
—Tongues: To Speak or Not to Speak, 128n[4], 167
Burning Man Festivals, 207
Byashyananda, Swami, 24
Bykov, V. P.
—Tikhie Priyuty, 129n[5]
Caen, Herb, 198
Calvinism, 121
Cambodia, 197, 199
Campbell, Fr. Robert, 24–25
Campbell, Joseph, 202
Canadian UFO Report, 101
Catholicism. See Roman Catholicism
Catoe, Lynn G.
—UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography, 102n[24]
Cerullo, Morris, 213
Chadwick, Owen
—Western Asceticism, 147n[12]
Chaffee, Paul, 231
“Channels,” “channeling,” 135, 202, 209, 225, 237–38
“Charismatic” movement, xx, 135, 141, 143, 146, 150, 160, 181, 188, 191, 212–17
“Charismatic revival,” xiv, xvii, xx–xxii, xxxv, 35, 44, 116–24, 128, 133–44, 146, 149, 152, 154, 158–59, 162–66, 170–71, 173–74, 176–77, 179–84, 187, 209, 212–16. See also Pentecostal; Pentecostalism
apologists of, 152, 155–56, 170, 172
attitude of Orthodox followers of, 149
conference in Ireland, 118
distinctive characteristics of, 119
interdenominational, 115, 151, 163
“new spirituality” of, 143
“Orthodox,” 181–82
“prophecies and interpretations,” 137
Chiti, goddess, 217
Chopra, Deepak, 203
Chrismation, Sacrament of, 122–23, 143, 183, 187
Christenson, Larry, 127, 149, 169
—Speaking in Tongues, 169
Christian Beacon, 177
Christian Century, xxvii
“Christian” America, 56, 58, 67
“Christian Science,” 67
Christianity, xxv, xxix, xxxiv, 2–3, 8–9, 13–15, 22–23, 26, 29, 38, 43–44, 50–52, 67–68, 75, 101, 117, 133, 140, 154, 165, 169, 170–71, 174, 181–82, 187–89, 196–98, 207, 216, 223
counterfeit, 183, 191
deformation of, 29
denatured, redefined, 209–12, 225, 230–35
dogmas of, 9, 14–15, 211
Eastern religion combined with, 69
genuine, 130
gnostic heresy of, 233
liberal, 24–25
“New,” xxxiii, 130, 173, 175, 234
Orthodox, xii, xxviii, xxxiii, xxxv, 36–37, 137, 143, 156, 165, 173, 192, 239 (see also Orthodoxy)
“universal,” 14
Western, 43
“Churches of God,” 119
Clairvoyance, 129
Clarke, Arthur C.
—Childhood’s End, 74
Clarke, Randy, 215
Clinton, Bill, 227, 231
Close encounters, 84, 87–90, 92–94, 97
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 72, 91, 110, 219
Communion Letter, The, 222
Communism, 77, 197–98
“Condon Report,” 81–82
Conference on “Divine Gifts,” 146
Connolly, Archbishop Thomas, of Seattle, 177
Consciousness, 60, 67, 69–70
altered, 209
“global,” 238
human, 109
“leaps” of, 202
“new levels” of, 49, 202
“transcendental,” 61
of the West, 67
Convocation of Religion for World Peace, xxv
Copeland, Kenneth, 213
Corbett, Deborah
—“The Trouble with Truth,” 210n[16]
—“The Jungian Challenge to Modern Christianity,” 210n[16]
Cornelius the Centurion, 37, 123n[3]
Corso, Col., Philip J., 220
Cosmas of Aitolia, St., 182
Council on Foreign Relations, 227
Covenant of the Goddess, 205, 230n[65]
Creme, Benjamin, xv, 218, 225
Crowley, Aleister, 206
Cults, 61–62, 70, 195–96
“consciousness,” 68–69
Eastern religious, xxi, 61, 67, 70
Hindu, 62
new, 69
secular, 68
UFO, 94, 98
Cumbey, Constance E.
—The Hidden Dangers of the Rainb
ow, xiv
Cyprian of Carthage, St., 6, 104
Damascene (Christensen), Hieromonk xviii, 201
Daniel, Prophet, 4
Darwin, Charles, 232
David, Prophet-King, 4
Da Vinci Code, 234
Davis, Rennie, 57
De Chardin, Teilhard, 21, 26–29, 224, 229, 232
“the new religion” of, 27
New Christianity of, 26, 28–29
“Omega Point” of, 29, 192, 232
Deception, xxii, 150, 179, 186
“charismatic,” 159, 166
demonic, xi, 104–5, 114, 159
self-, 111, 159, 163, 174, 188
spiritual, xiii, 41, 149, 157, 162, 165, 170, 187, 191
Dechanet, J. M.
—Christian Yoga, 38n[1], 41–42, 45
Deir, Costa, 115
Delusion, 18, 69, 175
Demonic, 69, 75, 102, 109–13, 141, 169, 189, 192, 195, 226
activity, true stories of, 107
deception, xi, 104–5, 114, 159
encounters, 219–22
initation, 188, 192, 238 (see also Initiation)
“kidnapping,” 106
manifestations, 104, 112
“pentecost,” xi, 213, 238
power, 104, 130, 140, 192
possession, 51, 102, 128–29, 157, 192, 216–17
Demons, 11–12, 36, 42, 68–69, 75, 102, 104–9, 113–14, 144, 146, 149, 152, 162, 166, 174, 185, 220, 236
activity of, 108
and angels, Orthodox doctrine of, 104n[26]
contact with, 110
escaping the nets of, 108
in human form, 113
inspiration and activity of, 199
Devil, 105, 131n[7], 162, 173, 183, 235, 238. See also Lucifer; Satan
appearing as an “angel of light,” 165
gains initiates, 110
grants great “visions,” 144
loosed for a time, 188
wiles of the, 113, 141
Diakonia, xxiv
Discernment, 12, 149, 238
“Disciples of Christ,” 198
Divination, 130, 202
“Divine Light Mission,” 56–57, 68
“Djwhal Khul,” 225
Dogma, 14–15, 161, 202, 211, 231
as a derisive term, 13
“Doors of perception,” 68
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor M.
—The Possessed (The Demons), 197
“Dream work,” 202, 208
Druidism, 204, 208
Du Plessis, David J., 120, 124–25, 162, 167
—The Spirit Bade Me Go, 167
Duddy, Neil
—“Questioning Jonestown,” 198n[3]
Earth/nature worship. See Gaia (earth) worship
Eastern religions. See Religions, Eastern
Ecology, “deep,” 207
activists, xxiv
“Christians,” 191
fashion, xx, 183
movement, xxiii–xxvi, 120–21, 170, 182, 191, 212
spirituality, xx–xxi
Ecumenism, xxviii, 23, 120, 123, 211
“charismatic revival” comes to, 171
“Christian,” xxv, xxviii–xxix
heresy of, xix, 191
ideology behind, xxv
Efremov, Ivan, 76–77
Elijah the Prophet, 178, 184
Emilianos, Metropolitan of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, xxvi
“Enlightenment,” 76, 107
the modern age of, 113
Ephraim the Syrian, St., 153
Episcopalianism, 115, 117, 121, 209–10, 215, 230
Equinox rites, 63
“Erhard Seminars Training,” 67
E. T.: The Extra Terrestrial, 219
Evolution, evolutionism, 10, 27–28, 73–75, 77, 91, 202, 218, 220–21, 224, 232, 235
“Exotheology” (theology of outer space), 74
Exorcism, 216–17
Extraterrestrial beings, 73, 74, 103
hypothesis of origin, 79, 99
idea of intelligent life, 98
myth, 108
races of, 74
Fakir, xvi, 32, 34–35, 87, 132
“Faith Movement,” 213–15, 235n[75]
Fall of man, 202, 211, 224
“Fancy,” 165–67
deception known as, 165
second form of prelest, 162
“Father Divine,” 196
Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works (Hieromonk Damascene), xiiin[2], xvii
Fellowship of Crotona, 206
Feminism/Feminist theology, 207, 211–12, 225[52], 233
Ferguson, Marilyn
—The Aquarian Conspiracy, 209
Fetishism, 23
Findhorn Foundation, 210
Finsaas, Clarence, 121
Fisher, David
—Tranquility without Pills (All about Transcendental Meditation), 46n[3]
“Flying saucer.” See Unidentified flying objects
Ford, J. Massingberd, 160
—The Pentecostal Experience, 167
Fortune tellers, 98. See also Divination
Francis of Assisi, 158
Freemasonry, xxvi, 201, 206–7
ideology, undisguised aim of, xxv
lodges, xxxii, 225
“Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International,” 119, 161
Fuller, John
—The Interrupted Journey, 95
Gaia (earth) worship, 202, 206–8
Gardner, Gerald, 206
Garrison, Jim, 231
Gelb, Les, 227
Gelpi, Donald L., S. J.
—Pentecostalism, A Theological Viewpoint, 169
Genocide, “revolutionary, “ 197
Georges (Khodre), Metropolitan of Lebannon, xxvii, xxix–xxx, 20
Ghandi, philosophy of, xxvii
Globalism, 226–30, 232, 237
Gnosticism, 204, 233–34
Goddess worship, 202, 206, 208, 210–11, 217, 232
Gore, Al, 231
Grace Episcopal Cathedral, San Francisco, 209
Graham, Billy, 177
interpretation of the “Rapture,” 180
—World Aflame, 181n[4]
Grebens, G. V.
—Ivan Efremov’s Theory of Soviet Science Fiction, 76n[5]
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America, xxv, xxviii, 182
Greek Orthodox Church, 115–16
Greenfield, Robert
—The Spiritual Supermarket, 57–58
Gregerson, J.
—“Nicholas Berdyaev, Prophet of a New Age,” xxxii(n)[3]
Gregory of Sinai, St., 11, 150, 179
Gregory the Theologian, St., 179n[3]
“Guitar masses,” 120
Gulag Archipelago, 197, 200
Gurus, 19, 48, 56
“Eastern,” of the newer school, 56
Indian, 53, 216–17
Western, 53
Hagar the Egyptian, 3–4
Hagin, Kenneth, 213
Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco, 54
Hare Krishna sect. See “Krishna consciousness” movement
Harper, Michael
—Life in the Holy Spirit, 168
Harry Potter books, 204–5, 224n[49]
“Health, wealth and prosperity gospel,” 213
Hellenic Chronicle, xxiv
Herman of Alaska, St., 140
Hickey, Marilyn, 213
Himalayas, 16, 53
Hinduism, xxxiv, 7–10, 12–13, 15, 19–21, 25–27, 29, 66, 76, 137, 203
conversion from, to Orthodox Christianity, xxxiv
philosophical construct of, 10
power it holds over devotees, 143
success of, 25
system of practices of, 18
Vedantic, 21
Hinn, Benny, 213
Hippies, 53, 61
Hoare, F. R., 105
—The Western Fathers, 105n
liness” bodies, 119
Pentecostal sect, 132
Holy Baptism, Sacrament of, 183
Holy Communion, Sacrament of, xxiv, 239
“Holy laughter” movement, 212–18, 235n[75]. See also Holy Spirit, “laughter of”
Holy Spirit, 3–4, 17, 124, 143, 157–58, 160, 163, 191. See also “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”
acquisition of, 183
“channeling of,” 134, 136, 209
“Church of,” xxxii
descent of, 125
“ecclesiology of,” xxxi
gift of the, 12, 122–23, 125–27, 144–45, 158, 162, 166, 182, 187
grace of the, 186, 192
“laughter of,” 151–54, 212–18
“New Age of,” xxxiii, 143, 173, 192
Old Testament manifestation of, 4
“outpouring of,” xxxiii, 121, 150, 166, 170
“Third Age of,” xxxiii
Howard-Browne, Rodney, 213–14, 218
Hubbard, Barbara Marx, 218
“Humanoids,” 91–96, 113
Huxley, Aldous, 21
Hynek, Dr. J. Allen, 82–95, 98, 101, 219
cases examined by, 88
chief consultant of Project “Blue Book,” 82
technical consultant, 91
—The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, 91n[18], 93, 99
—The Hynek UFO Report, 86n[17], 88, 90
—The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, 82n[12], 84–85, 86n[17], 87, 89, 92, 95–96
Hypnosis, 95–97, 100, 129, 133, 202
Hysteria, 152, 155
I Ching, 64
Iakovos, Archbishop of New York, xxviii, 182
Ifugao magic, 16
Ignatius (Brianchaninov), St., 68, 104, 111, 113, 144–46, 150, 154, 157, 159, 162, 165–67, 239
—On Miracles and Signs, 111
Ignatius Loyola, 158
Illuminist sects, 3
Incarnation, Mystery of the, 4, 6
India, xvii, 13, 15, 19, 22, 30, 47, 50–51, 56, 61
Indonesia, “revival” in, 184–85
Initiation, 47–48, 156, 188, 192
into the New Age, 209
into the psychic realm, 68
into the realm of demons, 238
Luciferian, 210, 225
pagan experience of, xxii, 19, 47–48, 57, 101, 136, 152, 156, 188, 192, 205, 219
Inter-Church Renewal, 121, 163
Isaac of the Kiev Caves, St., 144
Isherwood, Christopher, 21
Ishmael, the son of Hagar, 5
Islam, xxv–xxviii, xxx, 2–3, 23
James the Apostle, St., 8
Javers, Ron
—The Suicide Cult, 198n[2]
Jerusalem, Temple of, 174, 177, 179
Jesus Christ, xii, xxix, xxx, xxxi, 2–6, 9, 20n[2], 24–26, 34, 37, 62, 65–66, 122, 174–76, 178, 183, 188, 190–92, 232–35, 239
Church of, xix, xxiii, xxv, xxvii, xxix, xxxi, 7, 37, 109, 114, 120–23, 128, 141, 146, 151, 158, 171–72, 174, 178–79, 186, 188, 191–92
Cross of, 172, 211, 213
Gospel of, 186
incarnation of, 211, 231
redemption by, 211, 213
Resurrection of, xii, xxv